Seismic Attributes and AVO Analysis
Designed for: Interpreters, geophysicists, geologists, technical support personnel, seismic processors, exploration and data processing managers and data acquisition managers.

Course Content:

- Fundamentals of Rock Physics and Seismic Interpretation.
- Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization.
- AVO Concept and related factors.
- Hydrocarbon detection using AVO.
- AVO Analysis for Reservoir Characterization.
- Techniques for interpretation of AVO.
- AVO Cross-plotting techniques.
- LMR, EEI and Simultaneous Inversion for Reservoir Characterization.
- AVO/LMR/EEI Inversion for Fluid and Fracture Identification in Carbonate.
- Seismic attributes and wave factors.
- Deconvolution and scaling effect on attributes.
- Time and Frequency domain attributes.
- Case studies of AVO.